Breaking Down Barriers to College Success
The Toyota Canada Foundation focuses on supporting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education outreach programs across Canada—particularly those aimed at girls, Black and Indigenous students, youth who live in rural and remote communities, and others who are underrepresented in STEM professions.
Since 2017, the Foundation has funded Actua and Let’s Talk Science programs encouraging Canadian children and youth to pursue post-secondary education and careers in STEM fields.
While it has successfully supported the engagement of hundreds of thousands of Canadian children over the years, the Toyota Canada Foundation also recognizes that many would-be students in these underrepresented communities also face financial barriers in their pursuit of higher education.
The Toyota Canada Foundation is proud to provide twelve $10,000 scholarships over the next two years to Black and
Indigenous students pursuing post-secondary degrees in automotive technology.
The scholarship recipients will be selected and awarded by two nonprofit partners: Indspire and the Black Business and Professional Association.

Indspire is a Canadian nonprofit that invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people.
“These [scholarship] recipients represent a brighter future for our community and generations to come. They are the catalysts that will shift the narrative.”
CEO, Black Business and Professional Association