The Way Forward Fund: Uplifting Children and Families Impacted by Traumatic Brain Injury
In January 2024, Toyota’s Way Forward Fund expanded the number of programs it supports to help improve the recovery journey for children and families affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Through Way Forward Fund (WFF) programs and funding, we are transforming communities and pediatric emergency care nationwide. To date, WFF has granted over $16 million to more than 15 organizations with specialties in pediatric care whose programs align with three key focus areas:
We’re amplifying the voices of experts, connecting organizations, and driving awareness of TBI.
We’re enabling organizations to advance new treatments, digital tools, and emerging technologies through funding and shared resources.
We’re bridging critical gaps in pediatric care in communities across the United States, so more children and families have access to the high-quality care they need.
According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, TBI is a major pediatric health condition that is often under-recognized, and urgent and long-term care are often under-resourced.