Boys & Girls Clubs of America: Creating a Bright Future Through Scholarship
Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA.org) provide safe places for kids and teens to learn and grow. These Clubs offer caring adult mentors, fun and friendship, and high-impact youth development programs on a daily basis during critical non-school hours. Boys & Girls Clubs programming promotes academic success, good character and leadership, and healthy lifestyles.
Over 5,200 Boys & Girls Clubs serve 3.3 million young people through Club membership and community outreach. Boys & Girls Clubs are located in cities, towns, public housing and on Native lands throughout the country, and serve military families in BGCA-affiliated Youth Centers on U.S. military installations worldwide.
Beginning in 2007, Toyota started working with Boys & Girls Clubs of America in the Los Angeles area. Since then, the relationship has expanded to communities across the United States.
In the 21st-century world and workplace, leadership skills, such as communication, goal setting and teamwork, are essential for everyone - especially young people preparing to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. With grassroots beginnings in 1947, the Youth of the Year has evolved into a comprehensive leadership development program.
With annual scholarships, Toyota has been a top supporter of the National Youth of the Year program and, since 2013, Toyota has provided the top winner with a Corolla and scholarships to at least 50 students each year. Several program participants have moved on to work for Toyota in successful careers.
Other ways Toyota and Lexus have teamed up with Boys & Girls Clubs of America include:
- Lexus December to Remember affiliation for donations for seven out of the past 11 years.
- Regional support through NASCAR® events and activations.
- The Annual Toyota Scholars Program
Toyota and Lexus are committed to working with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to help ensure that local Clubs can provide life-enhancing opportunities for kids and teens to explore, develop and apply the essential skills they need to be successful in life and work.